Esoteric & The Unknown
An Introduction to My Esoteric and the Unknown Forum

Written by: Brian Boros

Published: March 25, 2024

What the Hell is Esoteric and the Unknown?

Thanks for asking! Anything Esoteric is anything unknown to a mass group of people. This unknown knowledge can be a symbol, lyrics, conspiracy, religion, or things like celebrities and who they really are. Esoteric things are mysterious to humans and part of why we get creative is to find out things that are mysterious to us. Archeology for example, what a crazy thing to discover the dinosaurs, right? Or did we? That is a crazy mysterious question. And politicians, what are they really up to, or how much corruption is taking place? These are all esoteric questions, and let’s not forget about the 7 Great Wonders of the World and Aliens.

Esoteric Topics To Explore

This category is where I get to be super creative. Storytelling and mythology will be a fun and great way to deliver these blogs. There are a lot of styles of writing to explore when writing esoteric topics.

Here are some esoteric topics:

  • Pyramids
  • 7 Wonders of the World
  • Religion
  • Conspiracy
  • Celebrities Myths 
  • Blood Lines
  • The Black Suit
  • Aliens
  • Big Foot
  • Dinosuars

Those are just a few examples of topics we'll get into. I like a lot of these topics. Aliens would have to be one of my favorites. The reason is, If I believe in God entirely with all my faith, that still doesn’t confirm human beings didn’t descend from an alien race or even 30 alien races. Furthermore, there is no evidence of human beings building things like the pyramids and megaliths or other crazy wonders of our earth. All of this leads me to Aliens, and that is why it fascinates me so much. For me, Aliens could be the root cause of many of our other unknowns.

Why Write About Esoteric Myths?

Myths have been around since the beginning of humanity. Things that are unknown to man intrigue us, fascinate us, make us dream and inspire curiosity. It is part of what drive us to learn and find answers to things we don't understand. For me, I yearn to organize the best researchers work, document this information in a way that is easy for me to find and quickly retrieve information, and best of all, to have a great outlet to express stories and become a better writer in general. 

Thank you for taking time out of your day and reading my thoughts and perspectives. I hope these articles bring creativity out of you and bring value to you as well. 

# Esoteric Conspiracy Aliens Big Foot Pyramids Religion Mythology Dinosaurs