An Introduction to My Government Forum

Written by: Brian Boros

Published: March 25, 2024

Government In a Nutshell

Without pulling definitions from Wikipedia, government is a hierarchy that is based on principles of the Philosophy of Political Economy mixed with laws that depending on the country and its states, are convoluted and dictated by codes and statutes. These codes and statutes are not laws but are enforceable by law enforcement police officers. So, government is nothing more than systems put in place to register and govern a body of people.

We will get into codes and statutes that weave around public policy and environmental policy, in addition to lobbying, legislation, and how laws and policy work together and affect each other. Each of these sectors of government impacts what we do and how we live. Laws (which I'll discuss in my Political category) are in place mainly to guide us when we need to make difficult and fair decisions when citizens behave badly or resolve disputes that occur, where policy is in place for government to further control and micromanagement citizen issues particularly on the State level, but also federally as well.

Though in many ways there are beginning to be too many policies overriding laws.

Government Topics Well Discuss

The government category can be broken down into these main topics. Im sure there could be more, but these topics are enough to tackle the majority of government-related activities.

Below are topics well discussed:

  • Public Policy
  • Environmental Policy
  • Lobbying and Legislation
  • Codes and Statues

This may not be interesting topics for most people, but it is for me, and I hope that sharing and writing about these topics piques the interest levels of a lot of people.

Why Write About Government?

Government is an area most people steer away from. The purpose of my writing about government is, to keep my toes wet with these subjects, educate others, and write digestible content for those who dont enjoy reading or talking about these subjects. After all, it isnt only up to the government to keep citizens in order it is also up to us as citizens and responsible adults to keep our government in order.

Thank you for learning with me and reading my thoughts on government. I hope you enjoy these articles and find value in them too. 

# Government Public Policy Legislation Lobbying Environmental Policy Codes and Statues