An Introduction to My Music Forum

Written by: Brian Boros

Published: March 25, 2024

Let's Talk Music

There is an old belief that says music is the only universal language. And that music notes and sounds can be communicated like language. Anyone with an instrument who knows the language of music can communicate through this magical language. The language of music is unique in that it uses more emotion, feeling, and listening to understand what the other person is saying. Just because someone plays a certain note, doesn’t mean other musicians can fully understand what is being said. Similarly to actual words, if someone has a strong enough dialect or accent, it is sometimes hard for words in the same language to be understood. Therefore, it takes an even more active sense of listening and feeling to have a conversation through music.

No, this will not be another music critic blog, though I may talk about up-and-coming bands, I promise to not critique them badly, I’ll be objective and neutral while critiquing bands.

Music Topics

There are a plethora of topics to discuss when breaking down music. The list below will be updated. I may explore things that aren’t on this list, though primarily, I’ll talk about music theory and composition, band and show critiques, and my favorite instruments such as saxophone, piano, and guitar.

This blog will be diverse and explore the following areas of music:

  • Music Education
  • Theory
  • Performance
  • Composition
  • World Music and Culture
  • Music Critiques and Genres
  • Pop vs. Underground Pop

And although I’ll discuss all instruments, there will be much more attention to saxophone, guitar, and piano because those are my main instruments and what I use to compose music.

My Music Story in a Nutshell

I’ll tell this entire story in another article later. I didn’t start playing music until around twenty-two years old. I had a guitar and saxophone handed to me. A random gentleman told me he’d teach me the super basics of the saxophone, and then a good friend moved home for the summer from music school and taught me as well. I moved back down with him to Indiana State University. Shortly after moving down, I was admitted into the School of Music. Then dropped out and went on tour within two years.

From there, I toured for about four years and learned from many great players along the way, deeply studied classical and jazz music theory and composition, and became a performer.

Today, I don’t perform much, but I wish to regain my name in the music scene and teach all the knowledge I have, because I believe I have a unique perspective when it comes to creativity and teaching music to those who don’t quite understand how to create let loose and play music.

I intend to share my experience in the music industry, and my deep knowledge of music theory and performance, and elicit engagement and inspiration in those looking to learn how to play and bring out music magic behind music.

Thank you for following and reading my thoughts on Music and I hope this forum brings value to you. 

# Music Music Education Jazz Saxophone PIano Clarinet Drums Bass Guitar Music Theory Composition Pop Music Critic Music Culture