Esoteric & The Unknown
Common Esoteric Stories: A quick guide into the unknown

Written by: Brian Boros

Published: April 24, 2024

Introduction: Common Esoteric Stories

Many things on our planet are unknown to a lot of people and hidden from others, and this is esoteric. Even more so, there are many things we do not know about our solar system. Or do we? That is part of the problem, that is, esoteric stories are linked to different stories that somebody in the world might know. For example, religion has many similar stories across all faiths, but they have a different twist on them, though does someone in the Vatican know these answers? Or things like the pyramids and other great mysteries on the planet. In this article, we will talk about some of the top mysteries that still lurk in our minds that may have truth or something being hidden from the mass population.

The 7 Wonders of the World

The seven wonders of the world are considered wonders because to our current knowledge of any technology we can't produce the same result of these physical creations here on earth and were not created by any humans to our historical understanding. The great architectural magnitude that it took to construct the 7 wonders was beyond our understanding of construction and some were here before any historical knowledge of human descent. This is why we celebrate them as wonders. There were only 7 great wonders because a.) the civilizations who discovered them were all located in the Middle Eastern and African continents and b.) The Greeks were obsessed with the number 7 so they stopped considering anything further wonders after 7.

The 7 Wonders of the World are:

  1. The Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt
  2. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
  3. The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
  4. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
  5. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia
  6. The Colossus of Rhodes
  7. The Lighthouse of Alexandria

These 7 wonders of the world are considered to be the "7 Ancient Wonders of the World" now. They are ancient because they date back past what we consider modern civilizations, some of which dated before our knowledge of human existence. Most of the original ancient wonders are now cited as ruins and are not holding their original construction, however they're extraordinary monuments near to mathematical perfection. Now there are "New 7 Wonders of the World".

The New 7 Wonders of the World are more modern, dated back within a period we can track to human construction. Some of which are still considered ancient ruins though we think we know the civilization that created them. What are the new 7 wonders of the world?

The New 7 Wonders of the World:

  1. The Great Wall of China
  2. Petra at Jordan
  3. Christ the Redeemer
  4. Chichen Itza
  5. The Taj Mahal
  6. Machu Picchu
  7. The Colosseum at Rome

These are all architectural greatness and deserve to be celebrated. Each is being preserved as best they can for tourism and for archeologists to study and learn from. The Great Wall of China, for example, took around 2,000 years to build and Chichen Itza took about 166 years to build. That is a feat large enough to span the test of time and important enough for those civilizations to care about to take that time. That's impressive.

The Nazca Lines

It is surprising that although things like the Colosseum and Machu Picchu were indeed incredible works of construction, they seemed reasonable for humans to build. Still, sites like the Nazca Lines weren't included in the new 7 wonders and were unlike anything in the world we know of and almost impossible for humans to build without having access to something flying high enough in the air to see what they were building.

The Nazca Lines were said to have taken almost 800 years to build and could have been started by the previous civilization called the Paracas people. The lines are a series of Hieroglyphics that span 190 square miles. If you haven't learned about the Nazca Lines, you should go check them out. We will write about them in future articles, though they should have always been placed on the list of the greatest wonders of our earth.


There are many religions as we know it today, according to Wikipedia there are 5 major regions and around 4000 faiths worldwide. Religion plays an important role in our lives, and in the human experience, and shapes much of how we view the world and our experience with death. With different religions and many faiths, it makes it easy to forget stories, misrepresent stories, and disagree on stories.

These evolving stories shaped and divided cultures, societies, and countries, and for better or worse, you hear stories of religious faith healing people and there have been wars and major conflicts killing innocent people over religious ideologies. These stories matured and strengthened over time, still now, more than ever, we see war in the name of religion.

If you're reading this and think your religion is the "right" religion, that's fine, but did you ever imagine the impact those religious views could have on your behavior? And if there is a possibility there's deception coming from the religion at all?

There have been religious groups who've used the power and spiritual influence of religion to coerce people in negative ways. This type of deception has and could detrimentally harm the cultures of people. What's the chance that all religion is false? Or at the very least corrupted? 

One thing is certain, we will dive deep into mysteries of major religions, and that never seem to make sense. 

The Language of SandScript

Sanskrit is an ancient language that we still don't know everything about. Did it stem from Ancient Hebrew or did Ancient Hebrew derive from Sanskrit? And what about the Egyptian Hieroglyphs? Historians can almost read them and they tell interesting stories though we still do not know how old those texts are. Do hieroglyphs predate Ancient Hebrew or Sanskrit? Scholars believe Sanskrit derived from Ancient Hebrew, it is also fascinating, however, that Wikipedia shows Sanskrit predating Hebrew by margins and both arriving around the same period. In Addition, the history shows Sanskrit arriving around South Asia, and Hebrew arriving in the Middle East. History points to the first humans arriving in the Middle East, therefore, it is most logical that both Sanskrit and Ancient Hebrew derived from the Middle East. Not understanding the history of the language and where it came from can affect humans for many reasons. Knowledge is powerful, and hiding knowledge could make people powerful. Translating language holds secrets to where our ancestors came from. If someone holds this knowledge they could persuade people and use this knowledge for spiritual gains. Understanding where humans came from can affect what we know about why we are on Earth and where we should or could go to advance our civilization.

Unlike Sanskrit or Ancient Hebrew, Hieroglyphs are even more esoteric because although scholars have learned to understand the majority of what these pictures and writings say or mean, scholars do not know everything for certain. There is still a lot of Hieroglyph writing that is unknown and unclear to scholars, some of which seem to take a negative twist to the stories of humanity. These remarkable pictures of different animals and objects can be found across the world. Typically held in tombs and temples, you can also see these same Egyptian Hieroglyphs across the mountains of Nazca. Why are they there? And if they are across the world,  is this writing older than we think? Can it be the oldest text? Is there something more to this than we imagine?  There needs to be more attention to learning about the deeper meaning of the Hieroglyphs for us to truly understand where these stories lead.  

This is just a precursor to future writing and research into these subjects, but knowing that words affect people, language resonates deep within our souls, and the fact we still do not fully understand all the words and meanings of the languages, means we don't know if there is anyone on this earth who does understand the stories completely and we also can't understand how this history still affects us today.

So, let's keep learning and coordinate the world to figure this out.

Space and Aliens

Space is a vast place and so much unknown. Whether Aliens live or not, for the size of what we know of the universe, it's hard to imagine there not being other intelligent life elsewhere. We have incredible Hibblescope technology that lets us see deep into our galaxy, past our galaxy into the interstellar communities and now we're able to see thousands of interstellar communities. With all the new footage we have of space, we do not know of any planets that can harness life, not for us or another intelligent species. That is how magnificent space is.

Aliens may not need to live abroad on another planet however, there are links and government clues that there could be other life living among us here on Earth for many years. For example, listen to the recent episode of the Joe Rogan Experience with Tucker Carlson where Tucker releases information about this government project and how the government knows and even might work with another life that lives on earth with us. This could be quite a crazy conspiracy, but it is a possible reality.

Space and aliens living among us are two things we have yet to know enough about. Humans have a lot to explore and learn about before ruling these things out. The fact this is still very foreign to us is unknown and there could be somebody holding the truth from us.

Government Conspiracy

Government conspiracy is likely the most common esoteric topic, outside of aliens. The reason is because it grew in popularity, and is the most relatable to the majority of the population. Government conspiracy stems from an international group of bankers holding governments ransom for financial debt and the people of nation-states contained by laws upon laws to battle with. Other government conspiracies are standard withholding of super-secret information like space exploration findings of other planets to move the 1% too. Or top Artificial Intelligence that is so far beyond our understanding, it is ready to take over the world and only a few on the planet know about it. There are tons of things the government could be holding information about from the knowledge of the pyramids to aliens that walk among us, conspiracy is lurking and haunting most of the world's population as people from every country now are aware of conspiracy existing.

Conclusion: The most common Esoteric ideas

These are the most common esoteric ideas and things that cultures worldwide have yet to uncover. Discovery needs to come from the collective human race to push back on esoteric ideas and unlock hidden knowledge that for many years could have been held from us. Whether on purpose or not, information that is hidden is never good, and finding truthful information can lift human consciousness in many ways. Let's find answers together and peacefully spread knowledge to the world.

Citation links:

# Pyramids Pyramids of Giza 7 wonders of the world conspiracy Nazca Lines Hebrew Language Sanskrit Language Hieroglyph Language Hieroglyph Hebrew Sanskrit